"Hermitage. Decline".
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At exhibitions

“Russian Art Week. Fall – 2011”, the International Art Exhibition
My works at the exhibition:
Hermitage. Decline 2005 year Distemper and color pencils on paper 20 õ 39 cm
Evening Silence. The Church of Intercession on the River Nerl 2004 year Distemper on cardboard 30 õ 80 cm

“Russian Art Week. Fall – 2011”, the International Art Exhibition

Moscow. 2 – November 9, 2011. Center for Contemporary Art "M'ARS"

The exhibition project "Russian Art Week" is an art fair which is organized by the World Fund for Arts together with European Art Union in several countries of the world.

The project gives a unique opportunity for individual artists to be exposed as in Russia, and abroad, and has the thorough commercial base. One thing that can embarrassed the artist is lack of competitive selection that leads to a combination of works at an exhibition which are sharply differ from each other in quality and art level. This brings a chaotic character in an exposition.

For Oleg Plenkin the participation in an exhibition in Moscow Gallery became an experience of the works exhibiting together with work by capital authors which were stylistically very versatile. In other words, there was a wish to prove to be and to look at others.
